Case Study

Case Study: Naeli Naturals - An Evolutionary Leap in Eco-Chic E-commerce

Case Study: Naeli Naturals - Un Salto Evolutivo nel E-commerce Eco-Chic

Client: Naeli Naturals, an innovative natural cosmetics brand, known for its dedication to eco-sustainability and quality.

Challenge: Naeli Naturals approached GILBI. for a restyling of their existing e-commerce. The goal was to renew the look of the site, improving its functionality and SEO optimization to boost online sales and customer engagement.

Implemented Solutions:

  1. Shopify E-commerce restyling:

    • Updating and revamping the design of the existing online store on Shopify, making it more attractive and in line with Naeli Naturals' eco-friendly image.
    • User interface optimization to improve the shopping experience and simplify the navigation and checkout process.
  2. Naeli Naturals Team Training:

    • Personalized training sessions for the Naeli Naturals team, focused on new features and best practices for autonomous management of the updated site.
    • Emphasis on efficient product catalog management and content update techniques.
  3. Advanced SEO Strategy:

    • Strengthening the existing SEO strategy to further improve organic visibility on search engines such as Google.
    • Implementation of advanced on-page SEO techniques, including targeted keyword research and optimized content creation.

Results: The Shopify e-commerce redesign led to a dramatic improvement in both user experience and SEO performance. The revamped interface and optimization increased the site's attractiveness, resulting in an increase in organic visits and sales. The training provided has enabled the Naeli Naturals team to manage the site effectively and independently.

Conclusion: Thanks to the intervention of GILBI., Naeli Naturals was able to revolutionize its e-commerce, making it a powerful sales and communication tool for the brand. The restyling of the site, combined with the training of the team and the implementation of an advanced SEO strategy, has allowed Naeli Naturals to consolidate its position in the natural cosmetics market, successfully promoting the values ​​of sustainability and quality that distinguish the brand.

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